sketches from life & clips of dreams

Well, ok, I finally did it.

I made volume 1 of the Blackberries Field and published it on Smashwords. It is a collection of poems written as Choka and Nonet. My first book! Actually, I was afraid how it will work so I haven’t published any of my three lines poems yet. Never mind, I made the first step forward.

Can I call myself a published author now???

If anyone is interested, my book is available HERE for free.
Any review is welcomed and appreciated.


Comments on: "Days In The Blackberries Field – vol. 1, finally" (10)

  1. Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nemam pojma zasto mi te je samo prestalo da prati, ovo sokocalo od web sajta! 😦
    Cestitam za realizaciju knjige, i zelim ti puno uspeha, zasluzujes! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nije prestalo da me prati, ovo mi je novi blog. Zbunila sam te! 🙂 🙂
      Hvala na cestitkama, srecna sam sto sam pocela polako da ih svrstavam. Pojma nemam sta sam, ni gde sam pisala. A neke se ne secam ni da sam, pa se iznenadim kada procitam.
      Jednu sam prevela na srpski, pa ako i kada budes imala vremena, volela bih da procitas i iskreno mi kazes sta mislis.


      • Pogledacu sutra, obecavam, da ne gledam sad u tranzitu izmedju jave i sna 🙂


        • Ma ne moras sutra, nigde ne zurim. Nego, sve ovo mi je sa bloga i bilo je na engleskom, a ja sam danas resila da sve prevedem na srpski i to u jednom dahu, pa ne mogu da procenim sama kako je ispalo. 🙂 A izmedju jave i sna… Sve je i pisano u to neko ludo doba pa kako god da protumacis neces pogresiti. 🙂 Ozbiljno, uopste nije ni hitno ni obavezujuce. Kada ne budes imala nista pametnije da radis…


  3. I’ve been published here and there in little things, and in web zines – but never for money. 😉
    I am thrilled for you! I am like the cowardly lion in Oz in regards to publishing… having been caught almost twice by vanity publishers. And I’m not the most tech savvy person either.

    Glad you enjoyed the tan renga verses. All the best.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. […] Days in the Blackberries Field […]


  5. Well, congrats!!


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